Volunteer Opportunities
Ways the Parents can become more involved at Central Charter School
Central Charter School strongly encourages parent involvement. During registration, a parent contract is signed. This requires parents to volunteer time on behalf of their child (ren). Parents need a total of five (5) hours per month in order to satisfy their volunteer hours.
Some ways that parents can earn volunteer hours are : tell stories to children, listen to children read, conduct flash card drills, provide individual help, assist in learning centers, set up learning centers, help contact parents, reproduce materials, practice vocabulary with non-English speaking students, make instructional games, prepare bulletin boards, help with book fairs, help underachievers, reinforce reading fluency, assist with field trips, make props for plays, gather resource materials, help children learn to type, help children with arts and crafts, help with cooking projects, reinforce learning the alphabet, recognition of numbers, help with handwriting practice, drill spelling words, assist with sing-a-longs, discuss care and training of pets, demonstrate different artistic abilities, discuss farm life and farm animals, demonstrate gardening skills, help prepare assembly programs, discuss holidays and special occasions, share information about local history, or help office staff with mass mailings Also, stakeholders are invited to become a member of the School's Advisory Committee (SAC), where representatives are apart of the decision making process of the school. At these meetings, school policies are reiterated, general information is disseminated and participation in class and school-wide activities and events are solicited.
Some ways that parents can earn volunteer hours are : tell stories to children, listen to children read, conduct flash card drills, provide individual help, assist in learning centers, set up learning centers, help contact parents, reproduce materials, practice vocabulary with non-English speaking students, make instructional games, prepare bulletin boards, help with book fairs, help underachievers, reinforce reading fluency, assist with field trips, make props for plays, gather resource materials, help children learn to type, help children with arts and crafts, help with cooking projects, reinforce learning the alphabet, recognition of numbers, help with handwriting practice, drill spelling words, assist with sing-a-longs, discuss care and training of pets, demonstrate different artistic abilities, discuss farm life and farm animals, demonstrate gardening skills, help prepare assembly programs, discuss holidays and special occasions, share information about local history, or help office staff with mass mailings Also, stakeholders are invited to become a member of the School's Advisory Committee (SAC), where representatives are apart of the decision making process of the school. At these meetings, school policies are reiterated, general information is disseminated and participation in class and school-wide activities and events are solicited.
If any parents are interested in volunteering, please contact our Parent Liaison, Ms. Griffin at 954-735-6295 ext. 2100.